RP6: Team Design Patterns for Meaningful Human Control in Responsible Military Artificial Intelligence.
Van Diggelen, J., Boshuijzen-van Burken, C., & Abbass, H. (2024, October). Team Design Patterns for Meaningful Human Control in Responsible Military Artificial Intelligence. In International Conference on Bridging the Gap between AI and Reality (pp. 40-54). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

A key requirement for responsible AI in the military is to en- sure meaningful human control (MHC) in operational settings. However, MHC is not a binary concept; it could vary from one operational setting to another depending on context and the competencies of available hu- mans and autonomous systems. We propose and discuss five patterns of MHC and highlight some of their key characteristics. We argue that con- trol is only meaningful when humans have sufficient cognitive resources to perform control functions and when the behavior of autonomous sys- tems in their operational context is sufficiently predictable. By anchoring the MHC patterns in human’s cognition and situation uncertainty, we propose initial requirements for interaction design, testing and valida- tion, and identify gaps in existing scientific understanding.